Party Snacks!

Tomorrow my team at work is having a little snack day to celebrate a coworker’s birthday. Since I’m all caked out, I decided to go with two simple and easy to put together party snacks.

The first snack is a salami roll-up (I also call them salami cigars).

You’ll need the following items:

  • Softened cream cheese
  • Salami slices
  • Sliced peperoncini
  • Basil leaves (but that’s really up to you. I love it though)

I like to kind of separate things out to make it easier to assemble.

Just spread a little bit of cream cheese onto the salami.

Add a few peperoncinis.

And roll!

The if you want to add the basil you can do that too.


It has a nice sour and salty flavor, but the cream cheese evens it all out.


The second thing I made is something my mom always had around at Christmas or various get togethers. Cherry, pineapple and cheese stacks. I’m sure there’s a really catchy name for them, but I have no idea what that could be. If you can think of a good suggestion leave it in the comments, I’d love to see what people come up with.

When I was little, I’d always go for the pineapple and cherries, but leave the cheese on the stick. Now that I’m older (and a total fatty), I eat the whole thing. Waste not want not! Just maybe don’t eat the toothpick.

For this one you’ll need:

  • Maraschino cherries
  • A block of cheese
  • Pineapple chunks
  • Toothpicks

That’s it!

Cut the cheese into little squares. I cut them into inch slices (or there abouts), but it really depends on how much you really like cheese.

Place one of your cheese squares on a toothpick. Leave enough space for people to hold the toothpick when they pick it up.

Then add one pineapple chunck.

And top with a cherry.

It’s a sticky project, but easy. I’m seriously all about no complications these days and wrapped this up in less than half an hour.

Easy Peasy! Enjoy!

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